2024 Summer Study Tour and Focus on Africa Seminar

In partnership with The Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) , The AFRICAN CONNECTIONS Research and Educational Fund, Inc. (ACREF) is organizing a sixteen-day cross cultural, intergenerational study tour in Kenya - East Africa's most vibrant economy.

The program will run from August 8th to August 24, 2024 - with an optional excursion to Zanzibar (United Republic of Tanzania) from August 24 to August 28.

It is anticipated that participants will include U.S. and East Africa based undergraduates, graduate students, mid-career professionals and recent retirees – all sharing and learning from each other.  

The one of a kind program offers exposure to leaders in Kenya’s public health, technology, transportation, energy, cultural and political sectors.


Dr. Denis Kamau Muthoni, The Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK)
Senior Lecturer of Supply Chain Management (CUK)
Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies (CUK)

Melvin H. Cox
Lecturer, Merrill College, The University of California, Santa Cruz1
President, The AFRICAN CONNECTIONS Research and Education Fund, Inc.

Program Design:


Online Registration and Payment Form

Please Address Questions To:

ACREF Communications Team

[email protected]

+1 831 440-7002

1This study tour is neither sponsored by nor affiliated with the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC).

Special Event Coverage - 4th Tom Bass Seminar

The 4th Tom Bass Seminar on Diversity in Equestrian Sports was presented via video conference on Saturday afternoon, February 25, 2023.

The virtual meeting examined issues relating to diversity in a) domestic and b) international arenas. Launched in 2019 as part of the 2nd Annual Day of the African Equestrian (DOTAE), the  seminar took place in a climate of political, commercial and societal disruption highlighted by question over migration, police brutality, reparations, cultural and economic imperialism, wokeness and a widening gap between 'the haves' and 'the have nots' in the United States and other countries.

A distinguished group of international panelists - including social activists, journalists, entrepreneurs, riders, trainers and representatives of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF)  - discussed topics relevant to diversity in equestrian sports.

Details regarding the 5th Tom Bass seminar (2024) are to be announced shortly!

The Tom Bass Seminar series is presented by The AFRICAN CONNECTIONS Research and Education Fund, Inc. in association with SportsQuest International, LLC.

Featured Presentation

News Sources

allAfrica logo


AllAfrica’s multi-channel platform is the only independent, comprehensive panAfrican news source — of, by and about Africa — with unrivaled reach and reputation.

CCTV Africa logo

CGTN Africa

CGTN Africa is the African bureau of CGTN News, the English-language news channel run by Chinese state broadcaster China Central Television. It is based in Nairobi and manages bureaus across Africa.

Daily Nation logo

Daily Nation

Kenya's most widely circulated daily newspaper, and the flagship publication of the Nation Media Group - the largest private media house in East and Central Africa.

Keeping the Faith...

FOA Mandela Statue

Focus on Africa

Merrill College - University of California, Santa Cruz

"Building viable constituencies for Africa on campus and in the home communities of participating students..."

Mombasa Beach Scene

Africa Focused Audiences

'Africa Focused Audiences' comprise a vibrant, multifaceted community of interest which transcends national, political, geographic, economic, ethnic and other traditionally cited measurement groupings.


Featured Video

Throughout its brief history, AFRICAN CONNECTIONS has been an eyewitness to significant events, personages and movements influencing Africa and the African Diaspora.



The AFRICAN CONNECTIONS store will present a selection of high-quality items reflective of the histories and cultures of African people worldwide.

Zebra Crossings, Lusaka

Events of Note...

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